The journal

Editor-in-Chief: Alessandro Carrera ~ Associate Editor: Michael Palma
Senior Editor: Luigi Fontanella
ISSN: 0363-8057
Languages: English/Italian
Publication Frequency
To avail Paper Back 1976 to 2017 (Print) please email to the editor or visit (Subscription fee applicable)  


March 12, 2023

A Digital Object Identifier will be assigned to all manuscript submitted post March 15, 2023 to enable easy citations

February 15, 2023

The print version will continue to be available for a subscription fee. However, from this issue onward, the periodical «Gradiva» will be published online and will be available to private individuals for free of cost under creative commons license

June 10, 2017
Our journal is available online. To subscribe please contact the editor. Subscription fee applicable

Indexed by

Core Collection / Additional Indexes:

Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents Arts & Humanities

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