The journal

Please read and follow the guidelines and procedure before submitting any manuscript to GRADIVA
TYPE: Times New Roman, size 12, single spacing.
FORMAT: Word DOC or DOCX ( not PDF).
Please confirm that the article or essay is unpublished and has not been submitted to any other journal. All academic articles must be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words in English.
QUOTE MARKS: Use «…» for quotes from poems and prose (press Alt + 0171 for « and Alt +
0187 for »); Use “…” for clarification or emphasis (not often). Do not use single quotes (‘…’) except for the apostrophe (the infinitive). Do not use straight apostrophe (‘) or straight quotation marks (”…”).
SPACING: Don’t use the space bar for indentation (use the
tab command). Never use double spaces between words or at the end of a sentence.
Bibliographic references follow the English rules: colon (:) between the title and subtitle of a book, colon (:) between the city of publication and the name of the publisher.
Repeated citations: If a title is cited multiple times, don’t create another footnote; include the author’s or editor’s name in the text, followed by the (abbreviated) title and page number.